Four Ways to Find Flow As You Write Your Book

Do you want to write a book that positively impacts the world?
After writing and publishing two books and coaching dozens of soulful leaders in bringing their transformational books to life since co-founding Modern Wisdom Press in 2019, it's my mission to help aspiring authors get unstuck.
Contrary to all the bust-your-a** book writing myths, writing your book doesn't have to be an arduous feat. You do not need to suffer, take a long sabbatical, or ignore the responsibilities in your life to finish your book.
When you understand how to access the energy of flow, writing your book can be fun! I know this firsthand after spending years struggling to write my first book. I finally figured out how to write my book with ease, clarity, and joy, which led to my book-coaching mission today.
Don't get me wrong. Writing a book will require effort, but it can feel effortless when you are in flow.
When you align your personal energy with the universal energy of flow, you can become a channel for the words to flow through you. Writer's block becomes a thing of the past, so you can get on with the purposeful message you are here to share.
In my new book Awaken Into Flow (see link below), I share the details of the FLOW Method I developed and use today with our book coaching clients.
If you’re stuck or want more clarity and joy as you write your book, the nifty F.L.O.W. acronym describes the four foundational steps that will help you find flow:
1. Follow the Breath
Simply slowing down and returning to the present moment is the first step to accessing the energy of flow. Often, when we’re writing a book, we get stuck in our heads overthinking, which gets us nowhere fast. Becoming present by following the breath will lead to more flow as you write. I invite you to do it now by inhaling to a count of five and exhaling to a count of five. Close your eyes, repeat for three to five full breath cycles, and watch your mind relax. By following the breath, you will naturally balance your intellect with your intuition and open to more expansiveness and flow.
2. Let Go of Fear
Most first-time book authors will face self-doubt or fear in one form or another as they write their book. It can show up in covert ways such as procrastination, perfectionism, or excuses like it’s just not the ‘right time’ to write a book. Usually, there’s an underlying or subconscious fear at play: Fear of failure, fear of being judged or exposed, impostor syndrome, or even fear of success and the expectations that might bring can keep us from finishing (or starting) our books. Negative thoughts and limiting beliefs are also rooted in the energy of fear. What limiting beliefs or fears might be holding you back from finishing your book? With self-awareness and practice, we can move through our fears and take action toward becoming a published book author. Our big goals and dreams tend to come true outside of our comfort zones!
3. Own Your Inner Wisdom
When you begin to listen to and trust your inner guidance or intuition, you will find the clarity and courage to answer the call to write your book. All the life experiences, wisdom, and knowledge you’ve acquired, which have likely led to the inspiration you want to share in your book, is a beautiful gift for your future readers. If you need a boost of confidence, read others’ praise about you and your work. Client testimonials are great for this! Your unique story and voice matter. Your book will resonate with those seeking the exact transformation you’re offering in the precise way you communicate —no matter how many books there are on the topic.
4. Write From the Heart
The more authentic and transparent you can be in your writing, the more your readers will relate to and trust you. Writing from the heart requires vulnerability. Be genuine and share your struggles and transformations. Shift your mindset from being the perfect “expert” who has it all figured out to being an imperfect human who has made mistakes, learned some things, and wants to inspire, add value, and guide your readers. When you write from your heart, you also access compassion for your readers, and you see how your book can become an act of service. Heart-centered writing shines on the page and attracts those who are meant to find you.
If you're seeking practical tools and guidance for writing your transformational book, I wrote my new book just for you! Awaken Into Flow: The Soulful Leader's Guide to Writing a Transformational Book includes guided practices and transformative flow-writing prompts in each chapter to help you overcome obstacles and find your flow consistently and consciously so you can finish your book and share your wisdom with the world!
For a free preview, download Chapter One, including flow-writing prompts, at
To your Inner Wisdom,
Catherine Gregory
Co-founder, Modern Wisdom Press
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